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The 12 Apostles  following God's plan for His Church, in the beginning.

Kingdom Work

               Listed are a few of the Organizations we help support.

Kingdom Work

Coloring   GOD' Word

God speaks to His children when we listen, coloring eases the mind & allows God to speak to the heart.

Tina Todd has been offering to her friends and others whom God places in her path,  a comradery of people,  who are open to God speaking to them through His Word while coloring pictures in the book one receives along with a group of colored pencils. 

There's no cost involved from the recipient, it is a gift from God who is working this ministry through Solomons Porch. 

Kingdom Work

Supporting Friends in the Middle East

This ministry has lost their facilities due to the war in the middle east, please keep the ministers and those affected in direct conflicted areas in your prayers.  Our Friends will be returning in the new year to resume their work, such as Ezra and Nehemiah rebuilt the walls, and temple in Jerusalem. These Christian Missionaries have a mandate to continue with their Education and Trauma work within The Promised Land. 

children hearing the word of God.

Kingdom Work

Met By Love Ministries

We Christians helping  other Christians in their mission of helping others. This Recovery Mission is making broken hearts made whole again. Located on Hendersonville Highway in beautiful Pisgah Forest, North Carolina.

Helping Our Friends in Malawi Africa

George and Phyllis Crispi

This ministry builds roads, water wells, schools, churches, and teaches the people much about farming techniques of fruits and vegetables that help them thrive and reproduce the seeds to continue growth in their gardens.

Kingdom Work

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Solomons Porch

PO Box 922

Roanoke, Alabama 36274

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©2025 by Solomon's Porch Inc.

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