From Idea to Reality: The Evolution of Solomon's Porch Inc.
July 2, 2024
Our initial ministry started in 1980 with an Elder Tester and his brothers and sisters of a local church in Jamestown, North Carolina. The services offered were to those who entered their brick and mortar building in the heart of the city, offering refreshments to the hungry, clothing to the needy, all while introducing them to ways and means of Jesus Christ.
You've heard the term "What would Jesus do," they would pray with those who sought that, but always praying for them even without their knowledge.
In the year 2000, Thomas Todd rededicated his life to God and volunteered with his pastor at a local church in King, N.C. with their in-house church media, first the bulletin production and distribution, then with the audio and video recordings for radio and the internet with SVHS camera and editing equipment. Thomas also started preaching on the local radio and streamed on Global Gospel Radio with Brother Bill Hale of King. Bill was a revolutionary with the creation of the Internet streaming before it was popular with the likes of You-Tube. He inspired many Christians in the area and provided another outlet to ministry God's Word in song and teaching/preaching.
In 2001, Thomas began his ministry and incorporated under the name of Rock Haus Musek and offered music recordings in his basement with some Tascam equipment and a CD burner. As time progressed Tom began to volunteer at the local Christian Television Station and learned about Television productions, all phases, while enjoying this time at TCT in Greensboro, N.C. he met some new friends with similar interests and of course many who came for interviews across the U.S. on this Christian station. Tom then took up the idea of producing programs for local ministries and play them on the PBS stations, mostly on GCTV, (Greensboro Community Television). In the beginning Tom met another person, Robert, who joined together with equipment to form this ministry, Zion Media Group. We did the camera work first with Analog equipment and the SVHS tapes, along with digital editor, after a year or so, each went their own direction, Robert moved on the Florida to help minister to a dying friend. Thomas decided to purchase a KRON Digital editing machine and a Canon TL2 to continue his work with local ministries, this lasted until 2004.
Thomas entered Bible College in Winston-Salem in the Spring of 2004. He earned an Associate in Biblical Studies in 2006, and early in 2006 he began taking other Christian-developed classes in Counseling, Education, Theology, and Pastoral Ministries that led to Tom earning a Bachelor's in Christian Education in the Summer of 2007. Tina started college with her primary interest in Christian Counseling, taught by Rev. John Abernathy who was a licensed Ph.D. and had practiced Nouthetic Counseling as a Pastor in California and North Carolina. Thomas worked in practicum with Dr. Abernathy at his church with various forms of ministry. Tom took a practical approach working in several churches as a lay minister, and some classes within the Church of God towards a Bishopric under Rev. Daniel Salmon. God instructed Tom to join particular churches in Winston and the surrounding communities to be a Witness for Jehovah Jireh. While God the Holy Spirit was teaching Tom various types of ministry, one always was primary and that as an intercessor for prayer, and many times God would intercede with words of knowledge to those that God sent Tom to pray for and pass along His Word personally. Answers to prayers do come to those who wait patiently. God sent Tom to several Christian denominations to learn how each organization's doctrines differed in serving and worshiping Him. The primary church denomination God sent Tom to work as His ambassador has been the Baptist. Tom grew up in the Baptist faith as a child through his teen years and was saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Tom backslid in his early twenties while serving in the military though occasionally visited churches during this time of his life. God was always working through other Christians with him and sheltered him from several accidents one of which Tom had died and miraculously stood up afterward per a conversation with a long-time fellow church member who was first on the scene of the motorcycle accident, Brother Elmer Williams who relayed the information some thirty-years afterward. Tom has always been able to talk to God as He told Thomas once when he had a brief walk with Him in the late 80's, God told Tom that he had to stop smoking to hear His voice. Smoke clouds the mind and was a type of idol he put before God. Tom tried to stop smoking several times from 1989 until he finally quit cold turkey in January of 2000, only with helpful prayers.
In the winter of 2011, Tom received an opportunity through the VA (Veteran Administration) to return to school, and while he was seeking schools to attend, God led him to a Methodist College, John Wesley University in High Point, North Carolina. Most of the school was online, but because the school was within driving distance a few classes were on campus, which Tom preferred. While in the school they changed their name to Laurel University which was supposed to help graduating students obtain work better overseas where the primary religion wasn't Christian countries. After Tom graduated the school changed their name back to John Wesley University and later merged with other colleges and Universities of the Christian Faith and now is known as Carolina University. Thomas graduated in 2013 with a Masters in Christian School Education. Much of the study was focused on developing a Christian School online and diversified teaching methods to develop a curriculum. Thomas was certified with ACSI in 2014 as a Bible Specialist. He has also worked with Metrolina Baptist Association of Charlotte, North Carolina where he attended training workshops and developed an English as a Second Language Teaching method and has used this worktype also while tutoring Hispanic children both in private and government schools in North Carolina. The training is very similar to the most endured way God has taught Tom in His methods and likenesses of Trust and Companionship. Symbolism coupled with Word and Speech vernaculars. Similar to a revealing of a person's heart or discernment. The Bible teaches that God will give gifts and if one believes in these gifts taught in the Word of God, He will enrich their lives with the ones He desires for one to use for His Kingdom work. Belief is the key to the work that God will accomplish in his children's lives.
Since 2000, Thomas has been in ministry, even while working with a commercial company, God used Tom to visit bookstores across the country in the cities where he was sent to work and would communicate with people from all walks of life, God was training him even before he rededicated his life to Christ. Perhaps God has done similar to you, training you even before you started serving Christ fully. While Thomas worked the ministry on a part-time basis from 2017 to 2024, the majority of his time had been devoted to his parents as their primary caretaker, both of whom had some form of dementia or Alzheimer's. Both his parents have departed our earthly realm, his dad in November 2023, and his mother in February 2024.
Now, Thomas has new rules to follow or is continuing his new walk with God, getting back in the saddle to wage war with evil on a full-time basis. With that being said, God is up to a new thing with Thomas in Randolph County, Alabama.
God is rebuilding His ministry with Thomas, starting with a gathering of disciples on Solomon's Porch Inc. Board of Directors. Tom met a fellow at Aubrey's early in 2024 and God led Tom to ask this fellow to keep prayers for his ministry, Bubba said with tears in his eyes, "You better be sure to do what God says for you to do." Tom had never met him before but when God told Tom he was a praying man he gave him a card from his wallet so he'd remember to keep this ministry in his prayers.
From the pen of Thomas,
Solomon's Porch does not request anything but prayer and help to carry out ministry. Our financial blessings come from God's work. He told me that when we started the ministry, He would continue to provide for all our needs. All the world's supplies are His to give when we are in need. God will provide your blessings as well! We are not a large or even a medium-sized ministry with resources, but through prayers, we are significant in God's eyes. Thank you for your support!